You write, we help you publish! Have a rough manuscript that needs some polishing? Or are you already on your fifth draft and looking for some final clean up - the copy editing stage. Let us help you. We have several excellent developmental editors, copy editors and proofreaders whom we can recommend.
Need a cover artist? Or perhaps a cover designer...someone to help you with your interior design? You've worked hard. Writing is wonderful, but it needs to be packaged in the right format so that others can be enticed to read your work.
Ready to publish? Here are some helpful hints that you'll need to have before you can get your book on the bookshelves for sale.
Sometimes, dreaming isn't enough
Get that laptop, pen, desktop, crayon, ready and start writing. We can't help you get the word on paper, but we can help you publish! We have assembled a list of professionals in the online publishing business. While we don't guarantee your success, we can tell you that working with professionals will make your hard work more visible, more attractive and more accessible to your readers.
There is no cost to you!
We are a one stop, browse for all things publishing related. Simple contact any of the companies and people at your leisure and start a fruitful, professional working relationship. On a tight budget? Don't worry. Some of the people have very low fees and still provide very high quality work. We know! We've worked with all of them. Our goal is to provide you with space to explore your options. Whom you choose to work with, is up to you. Remember, we hold no liability or guarantees. We simply provide a hub for information.

Next Steps...
Contact us today with your questions or inquiry. We look forward to helping you get your story out there!